Course Meets:
Tuesday & Thursday
9:30am – 10:45pm
NAC 6/325
Required Text(s): Selected chapters from The Balance of Personality by Chris Allen & Personality theory in a Cultural Context by Mark Kelland. I will also include some selections from Noba which is a virtual psychology textbook repository (all OER that are free to download or read online)
Course Requirements:
- 5 personality Check-ins
- 1 final assignment.
- Attendance
- Participation
Personality Check-Ins
These personality check-ins will take on different forms. Each is a small assignment that asks you to engage with the course content more deeply in some way. Sometimes they will simply check to see if you are understanding complicated concepts, other times they will ask you to apply the material to your own life or some fictional character(s). These assignments are all intended to be short, but ultimately build on one another to allow you to complete the final assignment.
Final Assignment
The final project asks you to combine all that we have learned thus far in order to deeply analyze the personality of a fictional character of your choosing. Utilizing your guided practice in lightly analyzing personality, in-depth knowledge of traits, and theoretical background you must give me a complete personality profile of this fictional character. Who are they? What are their motivations? How do show up on different personality measures? How does their personality influence how they interact with others? What might their tinder profile look like?
Students are allowed up to 6 unexcused absences before they begin harming their grade in the class. All absences where a student does not contact the professor beforehand will be regarded as unexcused. However, if students send an email before class starts, I will be able to excuse the absence.
All students begin the semester with full credit for participation. Students retain full participation credit by contributing to class discussions, engaging in group activities, staying focused during class, consistently turning in their assignments, Assignments are of high quality, and/or visiting me during my office hours. If a student is not paying attention in class, consistently not participating in group activities, Not turning in assignments, consistently turning in poor and/or late work, clearly not attempting to understand course material, and or are disruptive in class they will lose participation points.
Late assignment policy:
All assignments have a 24hr grace period meaning they will not be counted late until 24hrs after 11:59pm the day they are due.
Course assignments: Every subsequent day after that I will subtract 1 point from the overall grade.
Final Assignment: Every subsequent day after that I will subtract 4 points from the overall grade (until the end of grading). If turned in after grading deadline final will not be counted.
All this being said I’m flexible and open to granting extensions so if you are having trouble getting things in on time please email me before the deadline
Assignment Re-Do Policy:
All students unsatisfied with course assignment grades may submit ONE re-do per assignment. A re-do is an opportunity to get full points on any assignment turned in.
Important information about Re-do’s
- Re-Do deadlines will be announced the week after assignments are graded. No re-do’s will be accepted after the announced deadline. This is non-negotiable.
- All re-do’s will be submitted to me via email with subject line “[Assignment Name] Re-do”
- There will be no re-do opportunity for the final assignment. So, please review it carefully.
- Those who submitted their assignments late may still submit a re-do however the late penalty will still apply.
- Everyone except those who received full points on the assignment is eligible for a re-do.
Extra Credit:
2 in-class Kahoot! games will provide all students with a chance to get some extra credit.
Grading: Your final grade for the course will be determined as follows:
Assignment Points
Personality Check-Ins 150 pts (50% total or 5% each)
Final 90 pts (30%)
Attendance 30 pts (10%)
Participation 30 pts (10%)
Total: 300 points (100%)
Grading schema (don’t worry I round up!)
A+ =97% and above
A =93 – 96% C= 73 – 76%
- =90 – 92% C-= 69 – 72%
B+ =87 – 89% D= 60 – 68%
B= 83 – 86% F= less than 59%
- =80% – 82%
C+ =77 – 79%
Academic Dishonesty
Dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course in any guise. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, (1) plagiarism: using another’s words, ideas, or paraphrases and implying that they are your own; (2) cheating: using hidden notes or examining another person’s responses in order to answer questions on a checkup or test; (3) ringers: having another person fulfill your assignment. In this course, it is very important that you avoid plagiarism when completing your paper assignments. To help you in understanding what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, please read the guide provided by CUNY’s provost, dean, and student affairs offices:
One recurring issue of academic dishonesty concerns the term papers. Each of the questions asked of you in a term paper must be answered in your own words. Any very brief quotations from other material must be included in quotation marks and you must mention in your paper where it came from. Do not copy material from other sources! Any cases of academic dishonesty that I uncover on any assignment in this course will be dealt with strictly: A faculty report on the dishonest student will be filed with the Office of the Academic Integrity Official; the student will be given a zero in the assignment and possibly failed in the course. Please consult CUNY’s policy on academic integrity for further information:
You will submit the papers on Blackboard on SafeAssign, which will identify any language in the papers that overlap with another student or will any material on the internet.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) provides a supportive environment for students with disabilities and can be helpful in arranging student accommodations, support services, and academic adjustments. Please contact the office at 212-650-5913 early in the semester to schedule an appointment. If after meeting with SDS it is determined that you would benefit from in-class accommodations, the office will ask you to bring me an Academic Adjustment Memo that specifies the nature of the accommodations. I can work with you to ensure that these accommodations are met. More information: